I like farming

This is where I work. My summertime office. Sometimes it's a breeze with just me and the birds and the plants and I feel like I could stay in this garden all day. But other days when the sun won't quit and the heat hangs heavy, I just want to fall over and nap in the dirt. Or maybe go home, take a cold shower, and change into dry clothes that haven't absorbed the penetrating humidity and sweat of late July. This is mint julep weather. I don't think I've ever had a mint julep but it's a good name for a drink. The sound of the name makes me what to drink it. Preferably in a sundress and a bonnet with some old Southern ladies for company. Maybe someday I'll make them. Maybe today. Let me google a recipe.

You need:

10 mint leaves, plus a sprig for garnish
1 1/2 teaspoons superfine sugar
Seltzer water
Crushed ice
2 1/2 ounces Kentucky bourbon whiskey

Ok, I have everything except mint, whiskey, and seltzer water. Maybe not today. I don't much feel like shopping and I'm honestly not fond of whiskey.