Putting Words on a Page
Between the ages nine to thirteen, books were my best friend. I loved reading and I wanted to be an author when I grew up. But as 8th grade rolled around, I became more interested in boys than books. The hours which I once spent with my nose buried were replaced by pool parties and movie tickets. I made good friends but forgot how much I loved written word.
In college, I was trained to write academic papers. Efficiency ruled over creativity. I wrote concisely and anguished over citations. Sleepless nights had me pouring over dry text and pulling words to craft an argument that I never truly cared about.
And occasionally I write just for me. A flurry of anger scrawled in a notebook to process feelings.
So this blog is something different. I want to get back in touch with the part of myself that loved literature as a child and create a space for that love to return. I'm not sure what will come of it (I'm terribly out of shape), but I'm opening the door here......
Thanks to Leanna, Nathan, and Alison for starting the Writer's Guild and inspiring me to get started!