We stayed up late watching tv

It was Friday night and neither of us had plans to go out. I parked on the tiny couch in our bedroom with Ben and watched tv until my eyes itched with sleepiness. It's difficult for me and Ben to find a movie or show that we both like so we usually compromise by settling on something neither of us is excited about but that both of us can tolerate.
Last night it was Young Frankenstein, a comedy that's mildly funny and it fits in with the theme of October. Only, I got bored halfway through and opted to turn it off and go to bed.

Some Friday nights are like that.

Initially I felt excited about the lack of plans.

Maybe Ben and I would have a spontaneous date night and go out for cocktails. Maybe I would make a new watercolor painting. Maybe we'd cover a song together. Maybe I'd organize my desk and listen to an interesting podcast.

But the night wound down into nothingness and I went to bed.

And that is perfectly fine.