A Little Haphazard
This post is a little haphazard but it reflects the things I've been enjoying lately: reading Redwall, appreciating the autumn leaves, and felting little creations from wool. The weeks are going faster and faster and I can hardly keep up with the seasons. Next month is Christmas and I haven't even swapped out my summer clothes. My free time is spent sitting exhausted after a day of chasing toddlers. When I get home, I don't have much mind to do anything but take a shower and watch The Office. Only that's not quite true. I felt.
I sit on our little couch with a needle and ball of wool. Jabbing here, pulling there. My mind is at ease and I can create anything my heart desires. Well, almost anything. I'm making a series of magic things to sell at the craft sale: gnomes, mushrooms, potted plants. The sale is in two weeks and I'm busy as a bumble bee trying to create as much as I possibly can. It's a bit mad but I enjoy the flurry of activity.
And then there's Redwall, which is a delightful read that I try to make time for when my mind isn't too occupied with the other things I'd like to be doing.
That's it for now.
Love, Joy