Some thoughts on writing
This blog was meant to be a writing blog. But here's the truth of it. I don't feel called to write. At least, not right now in my life. I'm too caught up in other things. Other creative pursuits. Creativity is funny like that. It changes forms. I've been a songwriter, a hula hooper, a paper crafter, a watercolor painter. Sometimes I'm not sure it matters what form creativity takes so long as I am making time to create. I believe creative work is some of the most important work a person can do with his or her life. Like we've been given interests and talents and it's our job to enjoy them, refine them, and share them.
I get a little annoyed (but also flattered) when people say "Oh, you are such a talented photographer!" .01 percent of my photography is talent. The rest is study and practice and following my interest in creating beautiful images. It's a craft I want to keep improving.

And just because I love him and he's a beautiful man: